thor multiversal feats

RK Thor can't escape death on his own, he needs to summon the spirit of Odin to take him away from Hel. Thus what RK Thor accomplished was to destroy a parasitic tree, that at the time fed on the lives of those nine realms. In fighting against the wheel of the Worldengine, Thor would be fighting against the combined power of the Tree and the Engine itself, but Thor does not care and fights against the impossible. One is the God of Thunder and son of Odin, the other is a gamma-irradiated rage monster that gets stronger the madder he gets. Knocked-Out the Hulk. After leading a diplomatic mission to Nidavellir, Volstagg and his party were attacked by the force of Muspelheim. @scholomance: Watch out for triggered Thor wankers especially destinyman75, @scholomance: Also wankers try to go max retard with RKT being "omnipresent" in universe/one with it as Thor "merged" himself where his speech says he just went to sleep and done. Only this time without the Loom. Jane would then assume the mantle of Thor and join the Avengers, saving people throughout the galaxy. In Journey Into Mystery #94, Thor is busy saving the world and Loki (while held in prison) uses his magic to make Thor think hes fighting a dragon. Regardless, TWSAIS told Thor that he has bested them. Thor, for his part, can see a scheme from his brother a mile away and was actually holding back the entire time because of it. The Silver Surfer appears and instructs the Asgardians to hand it over. The universe didn't crumble or was shattered or destroyed. Character Galactus usually comes with a Herald, a being he imbues with power to scout and ready planets for his consumption. 10 Most Powerful Thor Variants - Collider The Skrulls invaded Asgard, which happened to be floating just a few feet above the ground of Arizona, realizing they needed to defeat the gods if they wanted to conquer the planet. Instead he destroys that which apparently fed their power. They are part of the universe and don't exist apart from it. Although the series was limited and fans didnt get to see much of Thor-El, everyone knows combining the might of a Kryptonian and the powers of the gods creates a force to be reckoned with. They are mistaking really that with DC's Ares and Darkseid. He doesn't have any multiversal outliers, no. So when RK Thor does this. All of Asgard does, crushing the monster, but not Thor and Beta Ray Bill, as the two actually hold up Asgard. Galactus granted Thor with the power cosmic, a source of ultimate and unlimited power that both Galactus and his Herald wields. In this comic, we see an amalgam of Thor and Superman. RK Thor can't escape death on his own, he needs to summon the spirit of Odin to take him away from Hel. Anyway, Lady Sif and Beta Ray Bill are the first of Thors friends to find the thunder god, discovering hes hanging out on some distant world. And then we already know the story. If even Thanos can grant immortality to this degree then what RK Thor did was actually nothing of notice. Mjolnir can control the weather on a global (or sometimes universal) scale, rain down lighting, create portals, fly at faster-than-light speeds, discharge massive energy attacks, and lets Thor time travel whenever he wants. Which obviously was not the case. I'm sorry am I missing something here?. Much like now during the Black Winter event we see that the Silver Surfer kept five special planets/worlds from Galactus. They were Celestials. Still the universe kept on going. Galactus was the one who gave Silver Surfer his power. And wow, did someone really say that?, The attack is so phenomenal that Exitr, the most power Celestial, is staggered. Later in their respective superhero careers, Thor and Silver Surfer would meet many more times. Rune King Thor is kinda like Golden Superman from DC One Million. As for the Worldengine, it was a device connected to the World Tree that could trick the World Tree into thinking Ragnarok had already occurred. At one point in the comics, Thor was chosen as the next Herald of Galactus. In Immortal She-hulk's oneshot, Al Ewing confirms that the blow delt by Thor to Galactus is Multiversal in destructive capabilities. I'd like to point out that this is blatantly copying a Quora answer. The Silver Surfer was able to succeed on both of these fronts, outsmarting, then defeating Galactus. No. While the exploits of Thor and the Hulk have become more extraordinary over the years, their rivalry isnt as pronounced as it used to be. Don't think its multiversal but it was a very powerful strike. And God saw that the light was good. The event "Secret Invasion" featured the alien shapeshifting race known as the Skrulls, and how theyd infiltrated nearly every branch of superhero team and government. Thor Odinson, as far as Marvel Comics is concerned, is the original. We see that by the huge crack of apparent empty darkness that hid within. More so the Silver Surfer himself points out that Asgard is simply part of Universe 616. And from the union of Ouranos and Gaia came the Titans. Physically stronger than either Odin or Thor, its a miracle anyone has stopped him. And so he does. Dr. Eric Solvang try to explain to volstagg the multi-layered system of belief that is the Axis Mundi/Yggdrasil. comics and manga would probably be in better place if forums like this didn't exists. Using the power cosmic, not only can Silver Surfer overpower the Hulk, but he can also send him into unconsciousness or simply drain all of his gamma radiation, turning the green giant back into Bruce Banner. Even now with the universal threat of the Black Winter, we see that Yggdrasil is dying. Once he found a witch who helped him, he was unable to pay her. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Come here to talk about fictional characters, fictional events, concepts, objects, etc. They were Celestials. Thor does retrieve it, but it doesnt take long for Odin and Asgard to realize that another wants it: Galactus. [4] How powerful is Rune King Thor? - CBR And funny enough this was again shown when Thor became Rune King Thor. When our heroes realized anyone could be a Skrull, trust ran in short supply. Justiceleague1 . While fans constantly debate about whether the Hulk or Thor is stronger, theres another group of readers who pontificate on whether Hercules, the Prince of Power, is mightier than Thor, the God of Thunder. great thread so far hopefully this whould clear misconceptions about this version of thor, as for discord no its arguably way better than the entirety of debating forums if you actually look for good servers (obviously not ones that focuses on arguing), >Surtur hesitates to reforge Mjolnir because he thinks Thor's gonna murder him with it. Sure Jan. there's no context of the death of a multiverse though.. Constantly trying to find ways to defeat Thor, the God of Evil resorted to all manner of tricks. Enraged, Thor breaks free of the restraints and defeats her. As if it had been undone. In an effort to assist Odin, Thor evades the Silver Surfer and flies directly into Galactuss head. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. The biggest superhero rivalry in all of Marvel Comics is unequivocally Thor versus the Hulk. Since the Destroyer is such an awesome weapon, many have sought to take control of it. Also congrats on cherrypicking an outdated map from nearly 3 decades ago (is that from the World Engine arc?) So here are RK Thor feats: Feat #1. In both the real world and also in the universe of comic books, there are few people in the history of mankind worse than Adolf Hitler. Funny enough Loki himself had already theorized that Those Who Sit Above In Shadow, were actually created through the worship of the Asgardians themselves. He even says: The Black Winter killed the universe before ours, Thor. Nothing happened to them. Yggdrasil is not a multiverse. After some fighting and debate on who should wield the hammer, Odin designed a new one for Beta Ray Bill and named it Stormbreaker. Thor didn't break down any dimension. The embodiment of the Sky was named Ouranos (people know it better as Uranus). Odin himself made such a claim that Asgard was a universe in itself, in the past. During Dan Jurgens run on Thor, Thanos is questing after the Chalice of Tears and the Map Of All-Ending to destroy the universe. He found his love of writing and love of comics at a young age, making it his passion ever since. So here are RK Thor feats: Feat #1 RK Thor can't escape death on his own, he needs to summon the spirit of Odin to take him away from Hel. What are some noteworthy feats that Thor has done in the comics? Fans know the vast multiverse that is the Marvel Universe. So here are RK Thor feats: Feat #1 RK Thor can't escape death on his own, he needs to summon the spirit of Odin to take him away from. This would be neither the first nor the last time Thor would accomplish send Galactus tumbling. High And Mjighty: 20 Of Thor's Most Ridiculous OP Feats Of Strength - CBR Is Thor (616) multiversal? - Quora Carrying over from the previous issue, Avengers #100 featured an amnesiac Hercules getting captured by the god Ares. Besides, it would be weird for Thor to bring up such a fact if wasn't something significant, especially since his dialogue is basically him bragging about putting to end a being who survived all that. vs. mobius chair wally west vs cosmic king thor. If the latter would ever have any chance of defeating his master, he would have to use much cunning in addition to the full extent of his cosmic abilities. A member of the Celestial race, a group of planet-sized aliens known for exploding worlds with the flick of a finger, Exitar is often summoned by Arishem the Judge (another Celestial), when the decision has been made that a planet needs to be purified, which involves blowing up the world. Which again proves just how powerful he was. Except your still wrong Cause RKT is easily Low multiversal scaling off from Odin own feats. Follow 17364. . They couldn't stop under their own power, admitted their defeat, and offered Thor a reward to spare them - concession, apology, and make-up. Thor doesn't faces Those Who Sit Above In Shadow directly. They would've simply obliterated RK Thor out of existence. A Multiverse is a hypothetical set of infinite or finite possible universes that together can comprise anything from a comparatively simple collection of parallel 4-dimensional universal space-time continuums, to the 11-dimensional multiversal structure our reality is assumed to be in some theories, or sometimes even higher levels of reality. To those unfamiliar with the Silver Surfer, he is the herald of Galactus and imbued with the Power Cosmic. A mutant of sorts, he was born with the deviant gene, which not only made his physiology unique, but also granted him with powers far above anything his people were known for. It cannot be hurt or stopped by conventional means and his mere movements are enough to cause tidal waves and earthquakes -- he can cast illusions, is incredibly intelligent, and is immortal. With neigh unlimited power, the Silver Surfers abilities and powers are nearly unparalleled amongst mortals. First appearing in The Mighty Thor #387, Exitar the Exterminator is prone to destroying worlds completely. He searched the Earth for anyone to help him speak to his late wife. Bill pleads to Sif to recruit more help and she gathers the Infinity Watch, made up of Drax the Destoyer, herself, and a couple other cosmic heroes, to stop Thor. As the issue begins, some high-tech thugs, known as the Bombardiers, are in a highly advanced flying vehicle and destroy a building, resulting in a loss of life. Though barely sentient, the armor was created by Odin and the other pantheons of Earth. Join our Discord! They knew that one day they would have to battle the Fourth Host of Celestials, so they forged forge the ultimate weapon. And thus we see Yggdrasil imploding into itself. I think the former might be the same guy again. He actually helps Surtur reach Asgard. During one of his many cosmic adventures, Silver Surfer was forced to release massive amounts of cosmic energy. Among the strongest and most dangerous foes Thor has ever faced is the Destroyer armor. Born in Sparta, Kratos was a respected soldier and General, up until he lost his wife and daughter when he killed them, albeit by accident, under Ares' command, earning him the nickname The Ghost of Sparta, after which he renounced his service to the war god, eventually killing him and later on ascending to Godhood before exacting revenge . Rune King Thor is not multiversal. [/QUOTE. And for a time there was only Chaos and Gaia. Which again proves just how powerful he was. Worlds that possessed special energies that made them different from all the other worlds in the universe. Jane would then assume the mantle of Thor and join the Avengers, saving people throughout the galaxy. These many adventureshave helped establish Silver Surferas one of the most popular cosmic characters in comics today. You must log in or register to reply here. Even with all of that power, he still pales in comparison to the power of the Surfer. As the battle intensifies, Thor orders Asgard itself to fall on the Skrull, while he and Bill are underneath. Even now with the universal threat of the Black Winter, we see that Yggdrasil is dying. Kratos | Omniversal Battlefield Wiki | Fandom During the Marvel event known as "Acts of Vengeance," Loki has gotten fed up with all the superheroes running around. Yggdrasil is infinite in its complexities and Heimdall sees all of space and time in it. And from that Chaos came to be a single spark of light and Order. Now obviously many people read celestial beings and immediately thought to themselves CELESTIALS!, Press J to jump to the feed. After Thor was no longer deemed worthy to wield his hammer, Mjolnir, he needed a successor. And its importance was greatly exaggerated. Whenever this happens, Thor is forced to battle the armor, and each time he barely survives. Lool they instnatly shut the f*cker up and don't reply, I mean people on Discord claim that Thor, Odin, and all other Asgardians are high outerversal in their true form but they use weak avatars. Thor immediately goes to rescue his brother, while all of Asgard, including Odin, realizes Thor is bewitched but cant do anything about it. Before they part ways, Thor and Hercules, realizing they need to close the gateway, each deliver a punch to the portal, their blows impacting upon part of the universe itself, closing the rift. That he couldn't simply end Surtur and end the madness of Ragnarok. Eternity (Multiverse) | Marvel Database | Fandom Grabbing Durok, Silver Surfer used his cosmic abilities to travel far into the future. In "Blood and Thunder," Thor comes down with a bad case of Warriors Madness. So what Odin lavish story comes down to is this: And I say lavish because Odin way of telling the story was in no way different from all the other stories. Sif tries to talk sense into Thor and Thor responds by attacking her and slapping her aside. After the battle, he felt a presence calling him in the now-abandoned City of Asgard. Throughout the battle, Odin decides to take on Galactus, while Thor takes care of the Silver Surfer. Thor quickly jumps under the massive building, summoning his might to hold up the millions of tons worth of steel and glass, while everyone heads to safety. For example, some guy said that Superman would beat Multi-Eternity, and that base hulk is thousands of times stronger than strange visitor superman. Every universe in the Multiverse manifests itself as an anthropomorphic being called Eternity. Each culture has its own lavish story about how the world came to be and how their god(s) were the makers of everything. In one instance, Thor gets to the top of a temple and leg-presses a million-ton arch of solid rock down onto his foe. Here are some of his amazing feats of strength. Knowing the history of the Phoenix and how it tends to destroy planets, Captain America wants to keep Hope as far away from it as possible. Stark Odinson, son of Howard Odin, combines the powers and might of Thor with the sharp intellect of Tony Stark. This. For more information, please see our So here Thor admits that not even he could change what had already been written by the Fates, and thus by Those Who Sit Above In Shadow. Thus what RK Thor accomplished was to destroy a parasitic tree, that at the time fed on the lives of those nine realms. The nine realms to which Yggdrasil is linked to refers to nine special worlds/planets. In one final act of desperation, Thor throws Mjolnir with all his strength. In The Mighty Thor series from 2011, a giant geyser of power has erupted from Yggdrasil, the World Tree. Born from the species known as the Eternals, Thanos was an anomaly to his people. Towards the end of the event, the Hulk and Thor run into each other and start fighting. The Black Winter devoured the sixth iteration of the cosmos, leaving only a single survivor - Galan of Taa, who it chose as its Herald. He even says: "The Black Winter killed the universe before ours, Thor" But going back to RK Thor. He is way more powerful than Galactus. He also has resisted Mephisto tier sound destruction,or Mephisto tier magic. Thor-El is what you get when you mix the God of Thunder with the Man of Steel. Galactus is on par with some of the most powerful beings in the known universe, tricking him with illusion was no small feat. Now having to return to Earth, Thor and company come across the interdimensional gateway through which Ares forces invaded. No. On a few separate occasions, Silver Surfer has shown the ability to survive within the impossible harsh conditions of a black hole. Thus the nine realms are simply special nine planets/worlds. Odin made that claim for all the ten realms in a 2015 comic, that was written by the current head of marvel cosmic stuff, Al Ewing Rkt he destroyed all of the Marvel omniverse. It also exists on every plane of reality. This process takes no more than a few hours and we'll Galactus, unsurprised, decides to go to war with Asgard. In The Mighty Thor #327, the god Tyr, displeased with the way Odin has been running Asgard, decides its time for someone else to rule. Realizing hes about to lose, Mongoose flees and destroys a couple of the skyscrapers support pillars while he escapes. This includes not just universes but higher spatial dimensions as well and theres multiple statements besides the ones you posted confirming that it contains infinite realities of each dimension, Midgard is clearly referring to the the 616 universe where humans reside so the totality of Midgard realities alone is a multiverse on Yggdrasil, they just focus on planets and lands of other realms to simplify the diagram and give you an idea of the terrain since thats where the locals reside, they wouldnt just be floating in space now would they? Composite Hal Jordan (DC) vs Composite Thor (Marvel) Both have demonstrated feats that go well beyond mortal understanding. For you see, the Phoenix Force is headed to Earth and Hope is the cosmic entitys intended target. But Gaia felt lonely and thus with the permission of the Chaos she birthed the Sky and everything in the firmament. Golmen discovers he is the most recent reincarnation of Thor Odinson and begins his journey as the new God of Thunder. Thor: Love & Thunder hit theaters July 7, which introduces Jane Foster as Thor to the MCU. Lies force-fed, comics read, Thor wank dead! What are some noteworthy feats that Thor has done in the comics - Quora As Loki watches from afar, he brags about how he timed the incident perfectly so that the hammer hit Thors chromosomatic gland (which apparently determines changes in personality). However he does realizes that the tapestry of the Fates was rigged to move in an endless cycle. A map that people should've never forgotten about seeing it explains much about things that happened during the events where we see Rune King Thor and his feats. Their meeting sparked a romantic relationship and the two maintain an off-and-on relationship to this day in the comics. You're all over MY thread. However, when it was worshipped by a magician named Feron, it took the form of the Phoenix from his daydreams. @mama7: They're free to counter this debunking. Capable of fighting Thor and even the Hulk, Hercules is also one of the most powerful members of the Avengers. This piece of Mjolnir was then wielded by Simon, who gained the powers that come with it. Disney+'s Loki featured many Easter eggs and one of the best was Throg, a frog version of Thor, who appeared in episode five of the series. Yggdrasil is simply a structure. Goes triple for you straight up lying about the Galactus Seed. The presence calling him was a Mjolnir from an alternate universe. When Captain Americas god squad encounters the Phoenix, the cosmic bird easily incapacitates everyone until only Thor is left. They refuse and Silver Surfer relays the message to his master. However, it should always be kept in mind that, although Destructive Capacity and Area of Effect are some of the most . The two heroes quickly overpower the villain. Even though Thor and Hercules are friends, the two are also staunch rivals., More so the Silver Surfer himself points out that Asgard is simply part of Universe 616. Yeah the Ydrassil is odd, there's conflicting evidence as to what it actually isbut what we do know is that when Strange absorbed it's powers, he was supposed to be the most powerful he's ever been, including classic Strange, no? Same for the other realms. Do they have any source/evidence for this? He instead helps Surtur and his forces lay waste to his land and people. You could also perhaps scale to Odin, who has at least one multiversal outlier. In Warp World, each soul paired with another, causing many mixtures of characters across the universe. Michael Giacchino To Compose Thor Love And Thunder, Thor Love And Thunder Toys Reveal New Costumes And More, The 10 Darkest & Grittiest Crime Movies of All Time, Ranked by IMDb Score, Jack Nicholson's 10 Best Movies, Ranked by Rotten Tomatoes. He did nothing universal, less alone multiversal. Thor, TWSAIS and Yggdrasil Page Explanation - Top-Strongest Wikia ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Not only did he defeat another herald of Galactus, but he also destroyed an entire planet without causing himself any harm. That he couldn't simply end Surtur and end the madness of Ragnarok. But Gaia felt lonely and thus with the permission of the Chaos she birthed the Sky and everything in the firmament. When Old King Thor merged with the Phoenix Force, becoming Old Phoenix King Thor, his powers greatly multiplied. It's a very efficient way to wank and disregard Anti Feats, Lmfao they think that Hulk has a true form which is archetype of archetypes of strength and is outerversal. Iron Hammer can be seen wearing a red, yellow, and silver suit of armor and wielding a giant version of Mjolnir. After learning about the nature of their predicament, the Avengers make their way over to Mt. You can see that Asgard is even given a scale of size. Despite this, Silver Surfer still managed to defeat the demon quite handily. Among the heroes sent to Olympus is Thor. Debunking Rune King Thor | FanVerse In seeking answers, he heads to Odins chamber where he suddenly witnesses the All-Father locked in an intense game of chess with the powerful demon Dormammu. The Phoenix is the embodiment of all psychic energy from the past, present, and future -- it's a literal god, capable of eating worlds in seconds and anyone possessed by the Phoenix Force is, by all mortal standards, divine. The plan is actually pretty solid and in the hands of anyone outside of villains, it would work. Regardless After things go back to normal in a typical relaunch manner we then got this. Because those five planets have special energies to them, that if Galactus had consumed them he would've become far more powerful. The combination of the countless Eternities of individual universes form a multiversal iteration of Eternity. Then as He looked into the great void he said Let there be light and there was light. So what Odin lavish story comes down to is this: When the Asgardians (and other races) already existed, His father Bor, Odin, Vili and Ve found a crack in the ground, In that crack they found a seed that clearly held great power within it, And Bor planted the seed and from the seed a tree grew. Here are the top ten reasons Silver Surfer is the most powerful Marvel character. In an event featuring the Avengers battling the Defenders, the two teams chase after pieces of a mystic artifact called the Evil Eye. See how her comic version ranks amongst Thor's strongest variants. Norrin Radd was pure of heart, and there is nothing Mephisto wants more than a pure soul. A literal godkiller, the Skrull demolishes the Warriors Three and Beta Ray Bill before Thor arrives. Hes immortal, imperious to the majority of earthly weapons, and hes one of the greatest fighters of any age. His job undone, Thor enters Exitars head and performs another of his all-time greatest feats: Tying his Belt of Power around Mjolnir to focus his energies, Thor unleashes his God Blast, hitting Exitars brain with the all of his lifeforce. Moving from down to up and then down again back into the Loom. Their battle grows fiercer with each passing second until Umar catches Thor in an energy field that has the constricting strength equal to the weight of 20 planets. Knowing that anyone and everyone with a hunger for power might be attracted to the light, like moths to a flame, Odin sends Thor into the portal to retrieve the Worldheart, a kind of seed that was born from the power and holds incalculable energy as it is the soul of the All-God. Beta Ray Bill is the champion of the Korbinites, a race whose home was destroyed by Surtur. Quora has a lot of BS. Its about time RKT getting a debunking thread. Depends on how strong phoneix force is as Thor definitely held his own against the bird. However he does realizes that the tapestry of the Fates was rigged to move in an endless cycle. Volstagg was the only survivor. Let me say this right off the bat, No. Thor opens a chasm of earth, which Loki falls into, only to then literally pull the earth back together again.